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Terminology of Bar Gratings

Photo Illustration of Our Steel Grating Products:

Mild Steel Bar Welded Grating Panels
Mild Steel Plain Type Bar Grating for Tread Decking Uses, with Different Pitch in Each Directions, Flat Surface

Square Spacing Bar Grating
Square Type Spacing Steel Grating, equal pitch in each directions, flat surface, uniform loading, welded with Side Plate, Hot Dipped Zinc Coating Finish

Welded Bar Grates with serrated surface

Serrated Grating Panels offering much more slippery resistance

Major Illustration for Fabricating of Steel Bar Grating Panels:

Structure Illustration

Major Material for Processing Steel Grating: Steel Bar and Metal Plates
Automatic Projection Welding of the Bar and Plates
Cutting of Steel Grating Panels according to Custom Orders
Edge WeldingHot dip GalvanizingFinal shipment

Technical Terms of Bar Graings:

Load Bearing Bar: A load-bearing member spanning between supports
End Plate: A plate fixed to a stair or ladder tread for attaching to the stringer

Transverse Bar:
A member fixed at right angles to the load bearing bars to provide lateral restraint.

Curb Angle:
A member fixed to concrete or supporting steelwork at the perimeter of a flooring aree

The distance centre-to-centre of load-bearing bars or centres between points of lateral support to load-bearing bars.

Kicking Plate:
A flat bar around the edge of a flooring panel and projecting above the top of the load-bearing bars

Length: (Direction of Span)
The overall dimension of a flooring panel parralel with the load-bearing bars

Net Area:
The actual area of flooring excluding cut-out areas

Gross Area:
The total area of flooring including the cut out area

The overall dimension of a flooring panel measured at right angles to the load-bearing bars.

An area of flooring removed to permit pipes, columns, etc to pass through or to clear obstructions.

Curved Shaping:

The part of a cut-out which is curved

Straight Shaping:

The part of a cut-out which is straight.

Binding Bar:
A bar or section fixed to the edges of flooring panel flush with the top of the load-bearing bar.

Front Edging Bar:

A member attached to the front of a stair tread or to a flooring panel.

Deep Bending Bar:
A bar or section fixed to the edges of a flooring panel and projecting below the underside.